Since 2006 in the field of recovery, we are one of the largest rehabilitation centers, & house over 80 residents. Welcome to Naveen Kiran Dehradun, Uttarakhand’s leading drug and alcohol de-addiction/rehabilitation center. The centre is located at the foothills of Mussoorie — the Queen of Hills on the outskirts of Dehradun. For over eleven years, the centre has provided hope, strength & Recovery to hundreds of clients from across the country. We offer a professional world class rehabilitation program that factors in the latest global best practices in the field of de-addiction. Naveen Kiran was founded by Late Mr. Amarpal and aims to inculcate a feeling of belongingness and togetherness that provides help to all Alcoholics and Drug users so as to help them kick their habit. We the Naveen Kiran Family offer you and your family member a chance to live a disease-free and addiction-free life - a meaningful life that helps you become a productive member of society. Working on the disease concept, we make every effort to help you heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Naveen Kiran addresses narcotic substance abuse/alcoholism (compulsive consumption of alcoholic drinks, drugs including Cocaine, Marijuana, Heroin, Smack, Cannabis and 'injectable' drugs, among other addictive substances) The healing process involves changing your thinking process, working on your attitudes and character defects. It also entails modifying your behaviour to keep you away from the first drink/drug one day at a time. Once you imbibe our Alcoholic Anonymous' 12-Step based spiritual therapy in action, it will heal you holistically; be it physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.As a result, you will be able to confidently get back to mainstream society and become more sincere, responsible and productive. First of its kind in Utttarakhand, Naveen Kiran is run by a team of dedicated counsellors and professional psychologist/psychiatrist who have themselves had close encounters with the horrors of addiction/alcoholism.
We at REHAB recognize the fact that addiction is a family disease. The families suffer as much (if not more) than the alcoholic / addict, therefore we lay special emphasis on the families, who are often neglected in the treatment procedure. For families, there are regular classes apart from therapy sessions with counselors. Family communication exercises with the client and his family facilitates a healthy relationship on a long-term basis.
Alcoholism/Drug addiction is a pathological condition. The disorder of addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the vulnerability to relapse, and the decreased, slowed ability to respond to naturally rewarding stimuli. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) has categorized three stages of addiction: preoccupation/anticipation, binge/intoxication, and withdrawal/negative effect. These stages are characterized, respectively, everywhere by constant cravings and preoccupation with obtaining the substance; using more of the substance than necessary to experience the intoxicating effects; and experiencing tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and decreased motivation for normal life activities can be given the diagnosis of substance dependence or substance abuse.
Alcoholism is a term with multiple and sometimes conflicting definitions. In common and historic usage, alcoholism refers to any condition those result in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages, despite health problems and negative social consequences. Modern medical definitions describe alcoholism as a disease and addiction which results in a persistent use of alcohol despite negative consequences .While the ingestion of alcohol is, by definition, necessary to develop alcoholism, the use of alcohol does not predict the development of alcoholism. The quantity, frequency and regularity of alcohol consumption required to develop alcoholism varies greatly from person to person. "Substance dependence When an individual persists in use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of the substance, substance dependence may be diagnosed. Compulsive and repetitive use may result in tolerance to the effect of the drug and withdrawal symptoms when use is reduced or stopped. This, along with Substance Abuse are considered Substance Use Disorders...."
Two-fold nature - It is a two fold disease - An allergy of the body and obsession of the mind.
Drug rehabilitation tends to address a stated two fold nature of drug dependency: physical and psychological dependency. Physical dependency involves a detoxification process to cope with withdrawal symptoms from regular use of a drug. With regular use of many drugs, legal or otherwise, the brain gradually adapts to the presence of the drug so the desired effect is minimal. Apparently normal functioning of the user may be observed, despite being under the influence of the drug. This is how physical tolerance develops to drugs such as heroin, amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine or alcohol. It also explains why more of the drug is needed to get the same effect with regular use. The abrupt cessation of taking a drug can lead to withdrawal symptoms where the body may take weeks or months (depending on the drug involved) to return to normal. The withdrawal symptoms from certain substances, such as heroin, can induce severe malaise and dysphasia, and be quite prolonged.
Treatment - Alcoholism/Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a complex but treatable brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive drug craving, seeking, and use, that persist even in the face of severe adverse consequences. For most people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. As a chronic, recurring illness, addiction may require continued treatments to increase the intervals between relapses and diminish their intensity. Through treatment tailored to individual needs, people with drug addiction can recover and lead productive lives. The ultimate goal of drug addiction treatment is to enable an individual to achieve lasting abstinence, but the immediate goals are to reduce drug abuse, improve the patient's ability to function, and minimize the medical and social complications of drug abuse and addiction. Like people with diabetes or heart disease, people in treatment for drug addiction will need to change behavior to adopt a more healthful lifestyle. Treatments for drug addiction vary widely according to the types of drugs involved, amount of drugs used, duration of the drug addiction, medical complications and the social needs of the individual. Determining the best type of recovery program for an addicted person depends on a number of factors, including: personality, drug(s) of addiction, concept of spirituality or religion, mental or physical illness, and local availability and affordability of programs. Many different ideas circulate regarding what is considered a "successful" outcome in the recovery from addiction. It is widely accepted that abstinence from addictive substances is a successful outcome
Psychological dependency
Psychological dependency is addressed in many drug rehabilitation programs by attempting to teach the patient new methods of interacting in a drug-free environment. In particular, patients are generally encouraged or required not to associate with friends who still use the addictive substance. Twelve-step programs encourage addicts not only to stop using alcohol or other drugs, but to examine and change habits related to their addictions. Many programs emphasize that recovery is a permanent process without culmination. For legal drugs such as alcohol, complete abstention-rather than attempts at moderation, which may lead to relapse-is also emphasized ("One is too many, and a thousand is never enough.") Whether moderation is achievable by those with a history of abuse remains a controversial point but is generally considered unsustainable.
Disease Model and Twelve-Step Programs
The disease model of addiction has long contended the maladaptive patterns of alcohol and substance use displayed by addicted individuals are the result of a lifelong disease that is biological in origin and exacerbated by environmental contingencies. This conceptualization renders the individual essentially powerless over his or her problematic behaviors and unable to remain sober by himself or herself, much as individuals with a terminal illness are unable to fight the disease by themselves without medication. Behavioral treatment, therefore, necessarily requires individuals to admit their addiction, renounce their former lifestyle, and seek a supportive social network who can help them remain sober. Such approaches are the quintessential features of Twelve-step programs, originally published in the book Alcoholics Anonymous in 1939. These approaches have met considerable amounts of criticism, coming from opponents who disapprove of the spiritual-religious orientation on both psychological and legal grounds. Nonetheless, despite this criticism, outcome studies have revealed that affiliation with twelve-step programs predicts abstinence success at 1-year follow-up.
The Recovery Program is a structured process with clearly defined protocols to address individual issues through various stages of recovery and is based on proven methodologies of addiction counseling and rehabilitation. The staff review each case on a daily basis and evolve individual strategies.
Our approach is to gradually and systematically instill a disciplined and healthy lifestyle through an intensive schedule. This schedule consists of physical exercise, meditation, and therapy sessions.
Cognitive therapy
These sessions are designed to help in identifying and expressing the patient's emotional and psychological feelings in an acceptable manner. (Thoughts and feelings)
Behavior therapy
These Sessions are designed to help the patient to reflect on his/her past behavior and its immediate consequences on the patient's life. This helps in understanding and accepting the ill effects of one's actions directly affecting one- self, the immediate family and the society at large.
Attitudinal change
In general, people suffering from this disease tend to carry a rebellious attitude towards their families, friends and the society. The reason for such behavior stems from their Low-self esteem or shortcomings and character defects, which need to be addressed in detail to bring about a profound personality change. This session would concentrate on adapting an approach towards changing the negative attitude of the patient.
Group therapy
In this session the patient is give an opportunity to have a firsthand experience of the importance of communication as a medium of expressing his/her emotions in a controlled manner, seeking and giving help, creating their own support system. This session helps in building one's self-confidence and in inculcating respect for others and their feelings in the society.
Individual counseling
These sessions are designed to build a relationship between the counselor and patient so as to identify, understand and design the treatment program considering the patient's life style.
12-step work
This session is designed to introduce the client to 12 step program followed by AA / NA, the most acclaimed and accepted programme worldwide in treatment of addiction.
Video sessions on effects of the disease
These sessions help the patients to get a visual understanding of the damages caused by their chemical dependency in all areas of life: Bio-Psycho-Socio
Regular In-House and Outside AA / NA meetings
There will be meetings held inside the center which are similar to the meetings based on
the 12 step program of AA/NA a self help group.
The patient will also be taken to outside meetings so as to get him/her familiar with the concept of AA/NA.
A better understanding of the programme would prompt the patient to make the best use of its benefits for healing and recovery.
These meetings are part of the aftercare treatment; the participation in these meetings would help the patient in sustaining recovery.
Recreational facilities
The Patients have Recreational facilities such as Chess, Carom, dart boards and TV hour.
My Name Is Sunil Bahuguna. I am 45 years old. I took the first drink at the age of 16. For the ext 3-4 years. I was not dependent on It but at the age of 22 I became a chronic alcoholic. Which I had not realized. As years passed and at January 2010 I came to Naveen Kiran Rehabilitation Centre and became a member of A.A. and there by I came to know how to live a clean sober and balanced life till date. Just because of this program.
My Name Is Sanjay Gangwar. I am 44 Years Old. I have pursued Post Graduation In Law. I took the First Drink at the age of 20 and after a while slowly I became a chronic alcoholic to such a stage that my professional, family, social and economical Life became imbalanced. At this stage I came to Naveen Kiran and became a member of A.A. and thereby I came to know how to Live clean sober & balanced Life till Date. Just because of this program.
Madan Jadli
(I keep it simple, I follow the first step to stay clean)
What does Recovery mean to you?
To me recovery means leading a sober life. It meansleading a life free from addiction. It also means there should be no clashes within the family, no confrontations within my immediate environment.
What does the term sobriety mean to you? How long have you been sober?
I don’t believe in complicating things, I like to keep the programme simple. To me, sober means to remain clean. I started drinking alcohol in 1996, when I was 17 years old. I started with a glass of beer but by 2003, I became a chronic drinker. As of now, I have been sober for one-and-a-half-years and came clean on October 16, 2013.What is your definition of spirituality?
To me Spirituality, means to make the distinction between right and wrongDo you approve of a 5-month Rehab Programme? If so why?
Yes most certainly. If you stay for 5 months you realize what damage you have done in your drinking days. It took me two months in the rehab to become willing to become sober.Have your family relationships improved? If yes, In what ways?
I realized I was like a flea sucking the blood of my family. Today, when I go home they have a lot of faith and trust in me. I feel so privileged that nobody questions me even when I come home after 10 or 11 p.m. in the night. Everything has changed for the good.When you get thoughts of using, what keeps you away from the first drink? What is your recovery tool?
No, I don’t get thoughts on using. However, to me surrendering to my higher power and living the 1st Step keeps me sober, one day at a time